Sunday, October 25, 2009

Fannie Offers Mortgage Forbearance to Real Estate Investors

Mortgage giant Fannie Mae said this week that it will retire its HomeSaver Forbearance (HSF) program and replace it with a new Payment Reduction Plan (PRP), which will extend the benefit to investors and owners of second homes.

Under HSF, which was introduced by the GSE in February of last year, mortgage payments can be reduced for up to six months for owner-occupants having trouble meeting their financial obligation. The PRP would make the same kind of mortgage relief available to property owners who do not live in the home.

The purpose of a PRP is to provide a borrower with temporary payment relief while the servicer and the borrower work together to find the appropriate permanent foreclosure prevention solution, Fannie said.

The GSE said servicers should first determine if a troubled borrower is eligible for the Home Affordable Modification Program (HAMP), but since property investors and second-home owners off-the-bat do not qualify for the government program, Fannie is hoping to offer them “new options of support” through the new PRP initiative.

Besides opening the benefit up to investors, the one significant difference between the two programs is that under HSF, the homeowner’s payments could be reduced by 50 percent. With PRP, however, the break is only 30 percent.

Servicers will be paid $200 for employing the new forbearance program upon the mortgage loan being brought to a permanent foreclosure prevention solution. This amount is in addition to the fee paid for the solution reached.

The HomeSaver Forbearance program will be officially terminated October 31, 2009.

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